Are you holding Master’s degree and ready to elevate your academic journey to the highest level? Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden, has announced a multiple fully funded PhD positions awaiting talented individuals like you. Don’t miss your chance to be part of our vibrant academic community. Explore the exciting PhD positions available and submit your application today!”
Candidates interested in fully funded PhD positions can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Urban Freight Management
The PhD student will work in the EU project GreenTurn that focuses on sustainable e-commerce and returns. The PhD student will be part of the Urban Freight Platform funded by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations which offers many collaboration and networking opportunities with top researchers worldwide. Chalmers University of Technology is well known for its excellent research and education, it has been ranked 2nd in Europe in the subject of Transportation Science & Technology in 2023 according to Shanghai’s Global Ranking, and has a strong collaboration with industry and the public sector.
Deadline : 2024-09-01
(02) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Quantum experiments with levitated particles
Magnetic levitation of superconducting microparticles is a platform that greatly decouples the center-of-mass motion of a levitated mechanical resonator from its environment. This platform will enable ultra-sensitive force and acceleration sensors, as well as quantum experiments with macroscopic objects of 10^13 atomic mass units. The goal of the project is to generate quantum states in the center-of-mass motion of levitated microparticles. We will make this possible by merging magnetic levitation of superconducting microparticles with superconducting quantum circuits. Coupling these two platforms will allow us to reach quantum control over the motion of the levitated particles. Within the project, you will simulate and fabricate your devices and use these for your experiments. You will receive training in all required techniques such that you will get a smooth start for performing your project in our collaborative working environment.
The research project is experimental in nature, supervised by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Witlef Wieczorek and funded by an ERC Consolidator Grant. The Wieczorek group is part of the Quantum Technology Laboratory (QTL) at the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). The QTL performs cutting edge research in the field of quantum technologies and provides an international, creative and stimulating research environment. The Department MC2 houses a state-of-the-art cleanroom facility for micro- and nanofabrication, which is used by us for device fabrication. The project has ties to the Wallenberg Center for Quantum Technology (WACQT). WACQT at Chalmers encompasses research in quantum computing, quantum transduction, quantum sensing, and quantum foundations with a research base in experiment and theory providing a thriving and internationally leading research environment in the field of quantum technologies.
Deadline : 5 August 2024
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(03) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD positions in Quantum Nanophotonics
The positions are in the brand-new Quantum Photonics Laboratory (QPL). We are scientists, applied physicists, and engineers. We explore the flow of and interactions between light, sound, and microwaves.
There is no reliable path to a sustainable growth in society’s capability to compute and connect. A key issue is the excessive energy loss caused by communication. In classical datacenters and computers, this energy loss leads to heating and greenhouse gas emissions. In emerging quantum processors, the energy loss prevents scaling up small quantum devices into more powerful systems. We are developing new hardware to address this. Read more on our webpage and in this popular science article.
This project is part of the Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology (WACQT), a 12-year, billion-SEK initiative with the purpose of advancing Swedish academia and industry to the forefront of quantum technology, and to build a Swedish quantum computer. We are members of the Quantum Technology division in the Department of Microtechnology and Nanoscience (MC2). We work with the experimentalists in the Photonics division and the theorists at the Applied Quantum Physics division. Our department hosts the state-of-the-art MC2 Nanofabrication Laboratory cleanroom, the largest such facility in Northern Europe. We have cutting-edge cryogenic, microwave and optical measurement capabilities.
Deadline : June 30th 2024.
(04) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position: Liquid Crystals
The simplest form of liquid crystal – nematic – is a non-polar orientationally ordered liquid. It is strongly stimuli-responsive and foremost utilized in liquid crystal displays (LCDs) for TVs, smartphones, laptops, and other electronic applications.
In 2020, the first example of a nematic phase with spontaneous polar order was identified. At that moment the more than 100 years old paradigm of the non-polar nature of nematic liquid crystals broke down, and the old truth that spontaneous polarization and ferroelectricity in liquid crystals require lower symmetry, layered (smectic) phases was overturned. The new ferroelectric nematic (NF) phase has rapidly gained an enormous attention, also outside the liquid crystal community. The spontaneous electric polarization provides new functionalities, with possible applications in for example photonics, electronics, and sensor technology, but maybe also for energy harvesting and storage devices.
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD student that wants to pursue forefront experimental research on ferroelectric nematic liquid crystals, with the aim to further increase the knowledge about the mechanisms behind their formation and their phase behavior. From an applicational point of view, the understanding of the interplay between NF materials and bounding surfaces, is of special importance. Depending on the progress and evolution of the research activities, the work could also involve exploring ferroelectric nematic structures for energy harvesting and storage applications. The hired PhD student is encouraged to, and will have the possibility, to also bring in his/her own research ideas into the work.
Deadline : 2024-06-30
(05) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD in Radio Astronomy Instrumentation: Superconducting Electronics
Developing multipixel heterodyne receivers is essential for advancing astronomical and atmospheric research. These receivers enable simultaneous observation across multiple frequency bands, increasing data acquisition rates and telescope capabilities. This technology ensures efficient use of observation time, especially during limited THz observation windows. It also introduces multi-color operations, enhancing detailed mapping of the interstellar medium and improving atmospheric monitoring for understanding star formation and atmospheric chemistry.
This PhD project aims to develop an advanced terahertz multi-pixel heterodyne receiver using SIS and HEB technologies. The focus is on integrating broadband capabilities within the receiver design for efficient operation across terahertz frequencies, addressing complexities in developing advanced broadband terahertz waveguides and layouts, and overcoming challenges related to signal attenuation, diffraction limits, and thermal noise. Achieving compact, efficient designs for cryogenic environments is crucial for practical applications in radio astronomy.
Deadline : 2024-06-27
(06) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in geometric deep learning
This PhD position offers an opportunity to delve into the area of geometric deep learning within the broader landscape of machine learning and 3D computer vision. As a candidate, you’ll have the chance to develop theoretical concepts and innovative methodologies while contributing to real-world imaging applications. Moreover, you will enjoy working in a diverse, collaborative, supportive and internationally recognized environment.
The PhD project centers on understanding and improving deep learning methods for 3D scene analysis and 3D generative diffusion models. We aim to explore new ways of encoding symmetries in deep learning models in order to scale up computations, a necessity for realizing truly 3D generative models for general scenes. We aim to explore the application of these models in key problems involving novel view synthesis and self-supervised learning.
Deadline : 2024-06-11
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(07) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in developing methods for climate optimal flying
The department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences at Chalmers conduct fundamental and applied research in all modes of transport. The division of Fluid Dynamics is one of the seven divisions within the department. Research at the division covers turbulent flow (both compressible and incompressible), aeroacoustics, and turbomachines. The research group of turbomachinery and aeroacoustics, consisting of two professors, one associate professor, one assistant professor, two researchers and nine Ph.D. students, is part of the fluid dynamics division. Focusing on the area of air transport, the group works mainly with aircraft propulsion. This includes system level assessment, engine concept evaluation, and detailed component design and optimization, such as compressors, turbines, transition ducts and heat-exchangers, through implementing combinations of numerical modeling and experiments. Based on the in-house tools developed for aircraft propulsion system design and emissions assessment, the research portfolio of the group has been expanded to multidisciplinary topics, such as improved climate impact modelling of air transport. I collaboration with the Swedish air transport authorities, airlines and aero engine industry we will try to develop new understanding for the climate impact of flying.
Deadline : 2024-05-21
(08) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Language-based Support for GDPR Compliance
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg in Sweden with approximately 270 employees from more than 30 countries is widely recognized for excellent research and education. Our department is located in Sweden’s second largest city Gothenburg – the world’s most sustainable destination every year since 2016 according to the Global Destination Sustainability Index. The four research divisions at our department are essential scientific facilitators in a vibrant ecosystem of software-intensive companies such as Volvo, Ericsson, and Einride. This ecosystem is complemented by a growing start-up scene supported by collaboration hubs like MobilityX Labs and AI Sweden.
Deadline : 2024-06-10
(09) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Language-based Security for Data Sharing Platforms
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg in Sweden with approximately 270 employees from more than 30 countries is widely recognized for excellent research and education. Our department is located in Sweden’s second largest city Gothenburg – the world’s most sustainable destination every year since 2016 according to the Global Destination Sustainability Index. The four research divisions at our department are essential scientific facilitators in a vibrant ecosystem of software-intensive companies such as Volvo, Ericsson, and Einride. This ecosystem is complemented by a growing start-up scene supported by collaboration hubs like MobilityX Labs and AI Sweden.
Deadline : 2024-06-10
(10) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student in AI / Machine Learning – Reinforcement Learning
This position revolves around the fundamental principles of AI and machine learning, with a specific emphasis on reinforcement learning. Machine learning encompasses a range of data-driven techniques that derive models for tasks such as prediction, exploratory data analysis, and explanation. The primary focus of this position is on reinforcement learning which examines the interactions between an agent and its environment, aiming to maximize cumulative rewards (to reach the goal as efficient as possible). Within this project, we will develop novel reinforcement learning methods considering aspects such as sample efficiency, robustness, efficient training and inference, multi-agent reinforcement learning, etc. This position will explore fascinating theories and innovative methods while also giving you the chance to investigate them in interesting real-world applications.
The research group of Morteza Haghir Chehreghani is based in the Division of Data Science & AI (DSAI) in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Our primary focus lies in the development of advanced AI and machine learning methods and their application across various domains. Currently, our research is concentrated on areas such as reinforcement learning, decision making under uncertainty, unsupervised learning, and generative AI.
Deadline : 2024-06-10
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(11) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Seaweed valorization for high quality products
In this PhD-project, food industry side streams will be pre-processed for optimal integration into seaweed cultivation, the latter carried out by Tjärnö Marine laboratory. Subsequently, protein-enriched seaweed biomasses will be stabilized and converted into versatile and high-quality intermediate raw materials; ready for the industry to incorporate into a broad variety of food products, some developed within the project. Important tasks will here be to optimize the sequence of stabilization and processing methods against the seaweed colour, flavour and nutritional properties, the latter in terms of both nutrient content and digestibility/accessibility.
Results will boost diversification of our food system, stimulate broad acceptance for seaweed as a new sustainable food commodity and ultimately enhance food security. The work is part of the Formas-funded SUSWEED project, and will be carried out in close collaboration between academic and industrial partners paving the way for fast implementation of project results.
Deadline : 2024-06-09
(12) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in New seafood products from underutilized sources
The overarching goal of this PhD-project is to pave the way for nutritious, tasty and safe seafood products from underutilized pelagic fish species such as herring and sprat. Fundamental knowledge will be retrieved on how e.g. pro-oxidants, hydrolytic enzymes and potential contaminants in the fish biomass respond to an array of different processing pathways. In a similar manner, crucial nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, heme-iron, selenium and vitamin B12/D, will be studied from a processing perspective, with the aim of maintaining highest possible levels. Results will provide important insights to factors controlling the quality of a new generation sustainable blue food products, translating into value chain robustness and potentials for high consumer acceptance.
Deadline : 2024-06-09
(13) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in Software Performance Engineering
The Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers and University of Gothenburg in Sweden with approximately 270 employees from more than 30 countries is widely recognized for excellent research and education. Our department is located in Sweden’s second largest city Gothenburg – the world’s most sustainable destination every year since 2016 according to the Global Destination Sustainability Index. The four research divisions at our department are essential scientific facilitators in a vibrant ecosystem of software-intensive companies such as Volvo, Ericsson, and Einride. This ecosystem is complemented by a growing start-up scene supported by collaboration hubs like MobilityX Labs and AI Sweden, the national center for applied AI that is bringing together over 120 partners across public and private sectors including academia.
We are announcing one PhD position that is placed at the Division of Interaction Design and Software Engineering, with Chalmers University of Technology as the employer. Our division provides world-leading research and education in the development of complex and software-intense systems and is characterized by extensive international cooperation as well as close collaboration with the local industry. With approximately 50 researchers including PhD students, postdocs, and faculty on all levels, we are one of the largest academic software engineering research groups in the world. Our core expertise is in AI Engineering, software testing, requirements engineering, behavioral software engineering, and software engineering for automotive systems. Being broadly recognized in the academic community, our division has hosted top international conferences such as ICSE, SPLC, and ICSA during the past recent years.
Deadline : 2024-06-07
(14) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD position in bioinformatics and artificial intelligence
Data-driven life science (DDLS) uses data, computational methods and artificial intelligence to study biological systems and processes at all levels, from molecular structures and cellular processes to human health and global ecosystems. The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data- Driven Life Science (DDLS) aims ( to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in Sweden. The program is funded with a total of 3.1 billion SEK (about 290 MUSD) over 12 years from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Foundation.
During 2024 the DDLS Research School will be launched with the recruitment of 20 academic and 7 industrial PhD students. During the course of the DDLS program more than 260 PhD students and 200 postdocs will be part of the Research School. The DDLS program has four strategic areas: cell and molecular biology, evolution and biodiversity, precision medicine and diagnostics, epidemiology and biology of infection. For more information, please see
The position is in the field of data-driven epidemiology and biology of infection, which covers research that will transform our understanding of pathogens, their interactions with hosts and the environment, and how they are transmitted through populations. The research in this field have a strong focus on computational analysis or predictive modelling of pathogen biology or host-microbe systems for which multidimensional, genome-scale experimental data are now available or it may use population-scale genetic, clinical, or public health data from pathogen surveillance efforts and biobanks.
The position is interdisciplinary and combines mathematics and computer science with applications in biology in medicine. A substantial part of the research will therefore be done in close collaboration with scientists from different disciplines. The Ph.D. position will be supervised by Professor Erik Kristiansson and will be part of a research group combining multiple competencies. The position will be co-supervised by Professor Joakim Larsson at the Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Gothenburg, Johan Bengtsson-Palme, Chalmers University of Technology, and Dr. Anna Johnning, Fraunhofer-Chalmers Centre.
Deadline : 2024-06-07
(15) Fully Funded PhD Position
PhD position summary/title:–PhD student position in the biomathematics/biomechanics of insect flight
The Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences is highly diverse, with research foci ranging from environmental science to aerospace engineering. Among a range of fundamental and applied research in these areas, we have a strong focus on novel and sustainable aviation. You will be joining an emerging research group, led by Dr. Arion Pons in the Division of Fluid Dynamics, and will have the opportunity to contribute to a new focus on biological and biomimetic flight within the Department.
Deadline : 2024-06-01
About Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden –Official Website
Chalmers University of Technology is a Swedish university located in Gothenburg that focuses on research and education in technology, natural sciences, architecture, mathematics, maritime and other management areas.
The university was founded in 1829 following a donation by William Chalmers, a director of the Swedish East India Company. He donated part of his fortune for the establishment of an “industrial school”. Chalmers was run as a private institution until 1937, when the institute became a state-owned university. In 1994, the school was incorporated as an aktiebolag under the control of the Swedish Government, the faculty and the Student Union. Chalmers is one of only three universities in Sweden which are named after a person, the other two being Karolinska Institutet and Linnaeus University.
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