Morphology and Anatomy of Frog : Body System, features

Morphology and Anatomy of Frog : Body System, features

Around the world most common species of frog is Rana tigrina. The frogs are cold-blooded or poikilotherms. They have the ability to camouflage. The frogs also show mimicry as a tool for protection. During summers, the frogs live in summer sleep (aestivation) and during winters, they live in winter sleep (hibernation). Frogs are amphibians, they … Read more

Cockroach: Morphology and Anatomy of Cockroach

Cockroach: Morphology and Anatomy of Cockroach

Cockroaches belong to the order Blattodea, the family of Blattidae and the Genus Periplaneta. There are around 4000 different species of cockroach around the world. However, only a few of them can be found in the Indian subcontinent.  Some of the common species include – German cockroach (Blatella Germanica), American cockroach (Periplaneta Americana), oriental cockroach … Read more

Seven Organ Systems of the Earthworm: Morphology, Anatomy

What are Seven Organ Systems of the Earthworm ? Seven Organ Systems of the Earthworm: Earthworms need damp soil to keep their skin moist. Earthworms are simple creatures that pack a powerful environmental punch. They live  in moist soil, digging tunnels that aerate the soil for plants and processing vegetation through their digestive systems to turn it into nutrients for the plant roots. Earthworms do all this with basic organ systems.

What are Seven Organ Systems of the Earthworm ? Seven Organ Systems of the Earthworm: Earthworms need damp soil to keep their skin moist. Earthworms are simple creatures that pack a powerful environmental punch. They live  in moist soil, digging tunnels that aerate the soil for plants and processing vegetation through their digestive systems to … Read more

Plant Morphology : Root, Stem, Leaves, Flower, Seed with Example

Plant Morphology : Root, Stem, Leaves, Flower, Seed with Example Plant Morphology

Plant Morphology Morphology (Plant Morphology) is the name given to the science that deals with the study of the form and structure of things. No matter which plant you take, the morphology of a flowering plant includes the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, and fruits. Morphology – Study of External Structure. Phytomorphology is the study of the … Read more

Animal Kingdom: Classification, Characteristics, Examples

Animal Kingdom: Classification, Characteristics, Examples

Animal Kingdom: Classification, Characteristics, Examples The Animal Kingdom is a large group that consists of eukaryotic, multicellular organisms that are heterotrophic in nature. As such, they obtain their nutrition from external sources. Although they are unable to produce their own food, which is one of the main defining characteristics of plants, animal cells lack a … Read more

Plant Kingdom: Classification, Characteristics, Examples

Plant Kingdom: Classification, Characteristics, Examples

Plant Kingdom Plantae is the plant kingdom which contains all plants on the earth. They are multicellular eukaryotes. Characteristically, they contain a rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane known as the cell wall. Plants also have a green colored pigment known as chlorophyll that is quite vital for photosynthesis. Hence, they have an autotrophic … Read more

Biological classification Notes: Definition, Kingdom Types, Need

Biological classification Notes: Definition, Kingdom Types, Need 2

Biological classification Do you understand the meaning of classification or Biological classification ? Classification basically is the arrangement of things in taxonomic groups in accordance with the observed similarities. It helps in understanding the group as a whole with simple ease. Now, here we’ll discuss with you the biological classification and how it has simplified … Read more

Living World : Definition, Important Points, Quick Revision Notes

Living World

What is Living World? When we try to define ‘living, or Living World’ we conventionally look for distinctive characteristics exhibited by living organisms. Growth, reproduction, ability to sense the environment and mount a suitable response come to our mind immediately as unique features of living organisms. One can add a few more features like metabolism, … Read more