Are you a PhD graduate eager to take the next leap in your academic journey? Look no further! KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden invites online applications for prestigious Postdoctoral Fellowships across a wide range of research fields. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to propel your career forward.
Candidates interested in Postdoctoral Fellowships can check the details and may apply as soon as possible.
(01) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in super-resolution MINFLUX microscopy
The research project concerns the development and use of MINFLUX microscopy for cellular imaging and dynamic studies on the nanoscale. The project is conducted at the Advanced Light Microscopy facility (ALM, Integrated Microscopy Technologies – SciLifeLab) at Science for Life laboratory. The project takes place in collaboration with researchers from KTH, KI and SU with the goal of analysing cellular processes on the nanoscale, especially in the compact three-dimensional cell nucleus. Project aims and tasks include development of adequate single-molecule labeling strategies, optimised use of high-precision MINFLUX microscopy, and establishing methods for data precision analysis.
Deadline : 18.Aug.2024
(02) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Systems Security and Formal Verification
The successful candidate will focus on one or more of the following research areas:
- System Security: Investigate and address vulnerabilities at various system levels, including microarchitecture security (e.g., side-channel attacks, hardware vulnerabilities), system software security (operating systems, hypervisors, compilers) and design novel security architectures and defenses.
- Formal Verification: Prove the functional correctness and security of low-level code, verify the security of protocols (cryptographic protocols, distributed systems) and advance the development of scalable verification techniques and tools.
Deadline : 31.Jul.2024
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(03) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Two Postdoc positions in AI-based medical and life science data analysis
Research in collaboration with medical doctors for patient data analysis using machine learning has a high impact on public health for the vision of Digitalization in Health Care. Medical care givers such as doctors and nurses need to take important decisions based on observed patient data. Often the data is complex. Therefore, our objective is to use machine learning for assisting the decision of medical caregivers. We show two concrete examples as postdoc projects:
- How to predict and detect an infection before visible symptoms like fever? When infections start, body parameters like breathing pattern, oxygen content, heart rate, pulses, etc. start changing. Then, can we track the body parameters and predict the infection buildup? If we can, then it saves time for medical intervention much before visible symptoms.
- Medical doctors often face difficulty to choose a set of medicines from many options available for a patient. Medication is expected to be disease-specific as well as person-specific. Individual patients may respond differently to the same medication, so the selection of medication should be personalized to everyone’s needs and medical history. The question is: how AI can help doctors to identify existing medications and/or therapies that can be repurposed for the treatment of a disease? In this scope, we work with dementia patients.
Deadline : 27.Jun.2024
(04) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Human Movement Biomechanics
Our research focuses on technology to decode, measure and enhance human movements, particularly in people with motor disabilities. The KTH MoveAbility research group is part of the Department of Engineering Mechanics. The Promobilia MoveAbility Lab is a well-equipped experimental research infrastructure, centrally located on KTH’s campus, and in close collaboration with an interdisciplinary network of clinical and technical researchers and healthcare professionals. The growing group is multicultural and multidisciplinary and is led by Professor Lanie Gutierrez-Farewik.
The post doc position is financed by the Promobilia Foundation. The topic must fit into the group’s overall goals to quantify motor and sensory factors that contribute to movement deviations, to measure, model and simulate the musculoskeletal system, and to develop active movement assistive devices. Duties may include, in addition to research and scientific publication, experiments on human subjects, innovation, and teaching and co-supervising students.
Deadline : 27.Jun.2024
(05) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Electroanalytical Chemistry
The Chemical Sensing Group is a large initiative at KTH, with approximately 20 researchers. We develop fundamental electrochemical and optical concepts to be integrated into ‘chemical sensors’ aiming to solve current problems in healthcare, environment, wellness, food among others. The objective of the postdoctoral positions is to strengthen the research on electroanalytical concepts and fundaments at the Chemical Sensing group.
Deadline : 25.Jun.2024
(06) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in pyrolysis for recycling of plastics from renewable technologies
Substantial quantities of waste plastic have resulted in detrimental effects on the environment and ecosystems. Thermal pyrolysis is one of the most promising ways in large-scale plastic recycling towards the generation of fuel and useful chemicals. However, there are still drawbacks and limitations in the existing pyrolysis processes for recycling plastic wastes, e.g. low quality due to the difficulty of controlling process temperature, complicated process, and high consumption of protective gas. With the financial support from the EU and the Swedish Energy Agency, we are looking for a postdoc to work on the development of a new thermal pyrolysis process for recycling two types of plastic wastes, glass fiber reinforced plastic (GFRP) from waste wind blade and PVC. This position offers an exciting opportunity to work together with more than 20 industrial partners.
Deadline : 24.Jun.2024
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(07) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Hydrogenation Technologies for Sustainable Biorefineries
Sustainable conversion of bioethanol into high-value C4+ chemicals is a crucial step towards reducing reliance on fossil-derived resources. In this project, you will play a crucial role in advancing the bioethanol conversion technologies for future biorefineries. The work includes designing and conducting comprehensive chemical reaction studies using novel heterogeneous catalysts and utilizing advanced modeling techniques to optimize catalytic performance. Additionally, you will be responsible for the development and design of catalytic reactors tailored to these specialized conversions, ensuring scalability and efficiency in future biorefinery operations. The work is a part of CROSS project funded by the Bioplus programme of the Swedish energy agency.
Deadline : 20.Jun.2024
(08) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Machine Learning
We are looking for a Postdoc in Machine Learning who will conduct research focussed on the modelling, prediction and planning of motions with applications to assistive technologies and robotics.
This position is part of a WASP-HS Networking Excellence Project (Netx) involving Umeå University, Uppsala University and KTH. The focus of the project is in particular to study how AI technologies can be applied for the purpose of preventative physiotherapy, e.g. for fall prevention. The role of the Postdoc in particular focusses on the development of novel Machine Learning-based methodologies and potential physical intervention/adaptation strategies that could be implemented by the project consortium – for example using a robot or other feedback mechanism that will be considered within the project. As part of the employment, the Postdoc will work in the research group of Associate Prof. Florian Pokorny and will also have an opportunity to collaborate closely with researchers within the NetX project as well as current doctoral students in Associate Prof. Florian Pokorny’s research group who are currently engaged in a variety of research areas in the field of Machine Learning and Robotics. Typical publication venues for the research conducted within this project are expected to include NeurIPS, ICML, AI Stats, IEEE/RSJ IROS, IEEE ICRA or other leading international conferences and journals.
Deadline : 17.Jun.2024
(09) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Researcher in DNA sequencing technology and bioinformatics
SciLifeLab was founded in 2010 as a joint venture between four universities: Karolinska Institutet (KI), Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm University (SU), and Uppsala University (UU). Today, SciLifeLab is an internationally leading research center that provides a unique environment. Researchers and engineers at SciLifeLab develop, use, and offer advanced techniques to increase understanding of vital processes at the molecular level, focusing on health and the environment. SciLifeLab’s national infrastructure supports research activities at all Swedish universities, as well as in healthcare and industry. Bioinformatics and systems biology are important activities within SciLifeLab, and a significant part of SciLifeLab’s staff work in these areas.
Deadline : 14.Jun.2024
(10) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Knowledge Graph for Urban Transportation
We are looking for a highly qualified and motivated postdoc in getting hands-on research experience in the area of Transportation Science, Knowledge Graph, and Machine Learning/AI (e.g., large language models). The postdoc will join a research team at KTH led by Dr. Zhenliang Ma. The postdoc is expected to develop the factual knowledge graph for urban transportation decision makings from structured and unstructured data, works closely with the researchers specializing in transportation science and computer science
Deadline : 14.Jun.2024
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(11) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Nuclear Power Safety
We are looking for a postdoctoral to study corium debris bed remelting and melt spreading during severe accidents of light water reactors (LWRs). The project is supported by APRI group and has collaboration with ROSAU OECD/NEA project. Experimental and computational studies on phenomena associated with debris bed remelting and melt spreading processes will be conducted toward development and validation of models which can be used for safety analyses and improvement of severe accident management of LWRs.
Deadline : 13.Jun.2024
(12) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in single cell technologies
We seek a talented and ambitious Postdoctoral Researcher to join our multidisciplinary team. The research of the group is focused on our droplet barcode sequencing (DBS) technology for single cell and single extracellular transcript profiling, and more specifically, further developing the method for high throughput single T cell analysis. This approach is in its early stages, with potential applications for early detection of cancer, clinical diagnostics, and a number of other subprojects.
As a Postdoctoral Researcher, you will design and conduct laboratory experiments. You will work with molecular tools involving handling single cells and exosomes, microfluidics, emulsion reactions including cDNA synthesis, emPCR, library preparation and massively parallel sequencing. You will work in a multidisciplinary lab with other researchers, doing a combination of collaborative and independent research. As an experienced researcher with your own unique expertise and perspective, you will participate in and contribute to a rich and vibrant research environment of ideas, problems to solve, and opportunities to discover.
Deadline : 13.Jun.2024
(13) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–3 Postdocs on structure-property characterization or modelling in metals
The Hultgren Laboratory at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering is offering 3 postdoctoral research positions within advanced material characterization and/or modelling of structure-property relations in metallic materials with complex microstructures.
In order to design new sustainable metallic materials, especially for load-bearing applications, it is critical to understand the interaction between microstructure, micromechanics and the macroscopic mechanical behavior. Hultgren Laboratory is currently taking major initative along this research direction by the recruitment of three PhD students and 3 postdocs. The announced positions will be performed in connection to the larger programs; NEXT (NEutron and X-ray science for industrial Technology transitions) competence center, Center for Mechanics and Materials Design (MMD), and Center for X-rays in Swedish Materials Science (CeXS), offering the right candidate an excellent opportunity for further growth via working in an ecosystem including universities, research institutes, companies and infrastructures on challenging questions within materials science and engineering
Deadline : 12.Jun.2024
(14) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in biomedical and experimental fluid mechanics
Within the Biomedical flows group within the Department of Mechanics we focus on blood flow phenomena, blood clot formation and bleeding due to artificial life-supporting devices such as heart-and lung machines and heart support pumps, but also on formation of atherosclerosis in patient related geometries. The cross disciplinary work carried out within the group is computational and experimental and is carried out in close collaboration with clinic.
We have now the opportunity to expand our research group with one PostDoctoral researcher within the area of Biomedical fluid mechanics. The work involves carrying out fluid mechanical experimental studies and data analysis with the purpose of understand cause and effect of clot formation and bleeding events associated with artificial blood pumps and cannulae used in life-supporting treatment such as extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. The project’s research questions are closely linked to the clinical application and will be carried out in close collaboration with the research group members (cross-disciplinary engineering and medicine) as well as with other researchers active both nationally and internationally.
Deadline : 11.Jun.2024
(15) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc VLSI Design by abutment for a monolithic 3D Integrated Technology
In collaboration with IMEC, KIT, LIRMM, and EPFL, KTH is developing a design flow for implementing digital designs in an innovative and challenging monolithic 3D integration technology. Over the years, KTH has developed a Lego-inspired design framework to enable composition by abutment to create timing and DRC clean designs. The postdoc will adopt composition by abutment to implement elementary to complex micro-architectural blocks in terms of atomic bit-slices and interconnect elements. The design and its cost model should be composable and able to predict latency and power consumption accurately. The developed design method will be manual initially but amenable to automation later in the project.
Deadline : 11.Jun.2024
(16) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Higher Abstraction Design Automation in a Lego-Inspired Design Framework
KTH is developing a third-generation VLSI design style called Synchoros (not a typo) VlSI design style. SiLago (Silicon Lego), a Lego-inspired design framework, has been built with this design style as the basis; see this video for an introduction. A heterogenous CGRA fabric with a parallel distributed control scheme is the micro-architectural basis for the SiLago framework. This post-doc position will enhance an existing synthesis framework by incorporating it into the MLIR framework and enhancing its synthesis engine to target systolic arrays and SIMD architectures built with the heterogeneous CGRA fabric. Such a synthesis engine will be used to build a library of algorithm implementations for AI/ML in varying dimensions and degrees of parallelism and explore design space at application and system levels, where application is defined as a hierarchy of algorithms and system as concurrent and communicating applications.
Deadline : 11.Jun.2024
(17) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Bio Carbon in the Metallurgical Process Industry
The candidate will work in close collaboration with the industrial partners with regards to the substitution of fossil fuels used in the steelmaking processes with biocarbon materials. For these specification applications, biocarbon produced from various types of organic feedstocks must first be characterized by various techniques (pyrolysis, gas analysis, XRD, SEM…etc.). Then, laboratory apparatus for testing the material’s performance for the specific application (e.g. direct reduction, slag foaming) must be designed, built, and calibrated. The performance of the biocarbon materials obtained from the laboratory experiments should then be compared to those obtained from pilot- and industrial-scale experiments conducted in collaboration with the project partners, in order to formulate guidelines for safe and efficient application of the biocarbon for steelmaking processes.
Deadline : 10.Jun.2024
(18) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in Combinatorics
The Department of Mathematics at KTH invites applications for a postdoctoral position. The successful candidate will conduct research in combinatorics under the supervision of Katharina Jochemko. The positions focus is research on combinatorial, geometric and algebraic properties of lattice polytopes and related enumerative questions.
The Department of Mathematics at KTH offers a high-class research environment with a broad spectrum of mathematical fields. The successful candidate will be part of a very active combinatorics group within the Division of Algebra, Combinatorics and Topology.
The position is a time-limited two-year postdoctoral position that may include up to 20% teaching responsibility (the equivalent of approximately one masters-level course per year). The position is funded by the Verg Foundation and includes travel support. The tentative starting date is September 2024, or an agreed date between the supervisor and candidate.
Deadline : 10.Jun.2024
(19) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in 6G wireless communication and networking
Wireless technology has evolved over five generations, but the need for higher efficiency and reliability is never-ending. Our 6G research goal is to identify new groundbreaking algorithms and protocols that can enable tomorrow’s wireless applications and services. In this postdoc project, you will contribute to the 6G theory formation and establish yourself at the international forefront. Some possible research areas are mobility management in millimeter and terahertz communication, integrated communication and sensing, ultra-massive and distributed MIMO, and semantic communication. We believe a successful postdoc period builds on your current skills but expands them by targeting new research challenges and using new methods.
Deadline : 10.Jun.2024
(20) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Postdoc in 6G wireless communication and networking
Wireless technology has evolved over five generations, but the need for higher efficiency and reliability is never-ending. Our 6G research goal is to identify new groundbreaking algorithms and protocols that can enable tomorrow’s wireless applications and services. In this postdoc project, you will contribute to the 6G theory formation and establish yourself at the international forefront. Some possible research areas are mobility management in millimeter and terahertz communication, integrated communication and sensing, ultra-massive and distributed MIMO, and semantic communication. We believe a successful postdoc period builds on your current skills but expands them by targeting new research challenges and using new methods.
Deadline : 10.Jun.2024
(21) Postdoctoral Fellowship Position
Postdoc summary/title:–Researcher Therapeutic Protein Engineering at the DDD platform
The Drug Discovery & Development platform at the Science for Life Laboratory (SciLifeLab DDD) is a national infrastructure for academic drug development with the task of translating academic discoveries into drug candidates for further commercial development. The business, which has existed for almost ten years, has, among other things, contributed to >10 new companies and four clinical drug candidates. The platform includes around 40 employees at six Swedish universities who all support collaborative projects with external academic project owners.
The DDD unit “Therapeutic Protein Engineering” (TPE) is attached to KTH and located at SciLifeLab DDD, Solna. The unit’s main responsibility is to deliver well-characterized antibodies, antigens, and target proteins to the projects, as well as be technically responsible for the selection-based projects.
Deadline : 09.Jun.2024
About KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden – Official Website
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, abbreviated KTH, is a public research university in Stockholm, Sweden. KTH conducts research and education within engineering and technology, and is Sweden’s largest technical university. Currently, KTH consists of five schools with four campuses in and around Stockholm.
KTH was established in 1827 as Teknologiska Institutet (Institute of Technology), and had its roots in Mekaniska skolan (School of Mechanics) that was established in 1798 in Stockholm. But the origin of KTH dates back to the predecessor to Mekaniska skolan, the Laboratorium Mechanicum, which was established in 1697 by Swedish scientist and innovator Christopher Polhem. Laboratorium Mechanicum combined education technology, a laboratory and an exhibition space for innovations. In 1877 KTH received its current name, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology). The King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf is the High Protector of KTH.
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