How to Balance Chemical Equation: Methods, Steps, Examples

How to Balance Chemical Equation: Methods, Steps, Examples

What are Reactants? In a chemical reaction, reactants are substances or compounds that undergo a chemical change. On the left side of the arrow, reactants are present, indicating the progression of a chemical reaction. In different reactions, the number of reactants in a chemical equation may differ. A single reactant can produce one or more … Read more

Ionic Bond: Definition, Properties, Examples

Ionic Bond: Definition, Properties, Examples

Ionic Bond Definition The ionic bond is a sort of chemical connection or linkage that takes place when oppositely charged ions or atoms with differing electronegativities attract one other via electrostatic attraction. One of the three basic forms of chemical bonds that develop between chemical units in order to achieve a stable state is the … Read more

Physical Vs Chemical Change: Definition, Differences, Examples

Physical Vs Chemical Change: Definition, Differences, Examples

Definition of Physical Change A physical alteration is a procedure which alters a substance’s physical form but not its chemical content. The molecules of a substance are rearranged during a physical change, but the chemical content of the substance stays constant. A physical change typically entails a change in physical attributes such as strength, condition, … Read more